About the project
Human Residue is a survival movie concept from indie filmmaker Chris
Bouchard which he developed with collaborator Mike Ritchie and Rickety
Shack Films into a film-making project with a crew of over fifty
participants in York, UK in 2006 and resulting in the movies, trailers
and clips on this website. Since then Chris has gone on to make the
Lord of the Rings fan film sensation: The Hunt For Gollum. He hopes to gain funding to continue the Residue saga.
22 May 2008 New Phase of Residue Production
We are in talks with a new producer to take the vision of Human Residue forwards as a new fresh project. As such we are looking for private investors to complete the film however we are still intending a free online release of Human Residue, for a limited period.
07 Sept 2007 Production Update & New Teaser
A little update on our progress. We've filmed some very nice pickups and new scenes in early April, mid May and mid June. Including part of the final action scene at an abandoned aircraft hangar in north Yorkshire (great location) which went very well indeed. We're now trying to schedule upcoming shoots to fit the restructured edit/script. Since our editor Jonny Ellins got back from his travels, he's made further progress in the editing. We've also been working on a behind the scenes featurette showing The Story So Far on the production. Onwards we march towards completion...
Also we've completed a new teaser which you can watch here. (WMV)
11 May 2007 Residue Release Dates...
We have to admit that the film has got a little behind schedule. The fact is making a feature with no money takes a huge amount of effort. Nevertheless we're working hard on it everyday, editing, shooting pickups and some new scenes over the coming weeks and it's still a very exciting time for the production. Current estimates are that the film will take another few months to complete depending when we can schedule the remaining shoots around our locations and the busy schedules of the team! As soon as we've scheduled those shoots (this week hopefully we'll be announcing the projected release date of the film.
07 May 2007 Recent Shoots...
Recently we had a very successful 2 days of shooting in early April, getting 2 brand new scenes and montage shots for the opening sequence. This weekend we just spent two days shooting more G.V.s (General Views) which means POV landscape shots with no actors - a very nice post apocalyp-plectic sunset actually!! Anyway the new trailer has been awaiting some dialogue recording sessions with the actors (want to perfect the production values) so that will be coming soon I promise. Instead we're going to release a shorter teaser clip in the meantime.
05 May 2007 Human Residue on TheFilmAsylum.com
Word up! We've just given an exclusive interview to the nice horror fans over at The Film Asylum. It's an excellent website for reviews and gossip on 'fantastical cinema'. Check out their interview with Residue producer Tim Ogdon, Makeup artist Robin Anson and director Chris Bouchard : here.
22 February 2007 NEW TRAILER .... Nearly complete
Our exciting all-new trailer for Human Residue is almost done and will go live on this site sometime soon. This extended trailer shows a whole new aspect of the film really showing the atmosphere of the Residue post-apocalyptic world. Check back very soon to watch it!
18 February 2007 Human Residue featured in Practical Digital Video Magazine.
An exclusive feature and interview has been included in the launch of this exciting new UK mag. It outlines the use of HDV in Human Residue and provides an in depth 4 page feature on the film. It's ON SALE NOW in all good UK magazine stores (WHSmiths..etc) so grab your copy of this excellent and informative mag!
6 December 2006 Human Residue on IMDB
It comes as a big boost to cast and crew to see ourselves now listed on IMDB right here. Meanwhile post production is well underway, and the visual effects team comprising CGI artists all around the world is now creating many of the complex effects shots for the film. A brand new trailer will be unveiled on the 20th January 2007.
20 September 2006 Phase 2 Principal Photography Completed
Shooting has now wrapped up for the summer months, the set destroyed and everyone's taking a well earned rest before post production gets underway. Most of the film has now been shot, with just a few scenes and pickups to be filmed in the coming months. For an insiders look at the shoot why not join us on our forum: Human Residue Forum which has some exclusive pics.
1 September 2006 New photos online
14 August 2006 Human Residue in Edinburgh
Human Residue is proud to be represented at the Edinburgh Interactive Entertainment Festival 2006 by Pax Media who will be screening a new promo reel of material as part of the festival screenings programme alongside films such as Ancanar and The Ore.
10 July 2006Human Residue proud supporter of Rural Arts
We encourage people to support Rural Arts. Rural Arts provide artist led training and creative opportunities across the whole of North Yorkshire and beyond. Workshops range from craft skills such as mosaic and textiles to multi-media courses in web design and film making, dance, music and performance arts. Find more information in Rural Arts home.
06 July 2006 BBC interviews Chris Bouchard
The Human Residue director, Chris Bouchard, features an interview posted on the BBC website.
01 July 2006Shooting starts!
20 June 2006Concept art now online
A new 'Behind the Scenes' section for concept art has been added to give some insight into the work that's taking place in pre-production looking at designs and artwork for Human Residue.
It can be seen right now in the Concept Art section.
06 June 2006New trailer online!
Principal photography is due to start in under a month's time but to keep you going for now we have a new trailer available to download featuring never-before-seen Human Residue concept footage. Click towards the Trailers section to view it.
26 May 2006 The Machine website launched
The Machine is a short film made by the team behind Human Residue. It premieres on the 4th of June but the official website has just launched featuring images, a forum and information about the CGI work that's taking place for the project.
Find out more here: www.themachine-movie.tk
21 May 2006Streamlined sponsoring & design competition
There's now a simple and easy way to get to get the new 'Sponsor The Film' page, just click the link above and find all about how to sponsor and exactly what your money can do for the project. We couldn't make Human Residue without your support and we are very grateful to the people who have donated already, but we need more! You get a copy of the film on DVD when it's finished if you help us out.
Today sees the launch of our new design competition attempting to inspire the graphic artists out there. There's a chance to get your work on the website and your name on the credits, click the link above to find out more.
18 May 2006Interview with director Chris Bouchard
The Human Residue director has taken time from pre-production to answer some in-depth questions posed by folk at 24Framespersecond. Head over to the Press section to read the interview along with numerous other articles on the production.
04 May 2006Lots of press and some new faces
Over the past couple of months Human Residue has been getting quite a lot of online media coverage, for a list of all the places spotted so far see the Press section.
We'd like to take the pleasure in welcoming two new members onto the Human Residue team: Jaimie Lloyd-Anderson and Gareth Brough. Jaimie is our new Production Designer and will be designing and helping to build some interior sets, whilst Gareth is busy working on some excellent concept art. You can expect to see examples of both persons' work on this site very soon.
15 April 2006Stills and Behind The Scenes
In the past month there have been several mini updates all around the site including a new Location Stills page in the Behind The Scenes section, updated bios on the Crew page and of course lots of posts in the Human Residue Forum.
24 March 2006Brand new website live!
It's been talked about for months and now it's finally here, the preened and polished Human Residue website. We'll be constantly updating to keep everyone informed about the production; what we've done and what to expect in the coming months.
12 March 2006The Machine
Today the Residue team was hard at work shooting an ambitious short film The Machine. For more details and photos visit our forum (opens in a new window).
01 February 2006 Director interview with Cinephiliacs.com
A new interview with director Chris Bouchard has been posted on the Cinephiliacs film website. Read it here: Cinephiliacs Interview.
06 January 2006Happy New Year!
The new year has brought some new faces to the Human Residue team and a gearing up in pre-productino work on both script, funding and scheduling.
Pre 2006
On the 25th of August 2005 the Human Residue website officially opened. Since then it has been updated with behind the scenes features, production diaries, visual effects shots and much more.
News Archives:

February 2007
December 2006
September 2006
August 2006
July 2006
June 2006
May 2006
- The Machine website launched
- Streamlined sponsoring & design competition
- Interview with director Chris Bouchard
- Lots of press and some new faces